Would you like to have a Cardboard or Paper Turntable made? This blog shows the transformation from an Online Existing Identity to the Tangible Reality.

Our customer Hemmink asked us to make a Cardboard or Paper Turntable from an already existing online identity for their brand Ei Electronics.

mijndrukker.nl produces many different types of turntables on an annual basis, made of cardboard or paper. But this was a very special one.

EI Electronics is a developer of fire safety and carbon monoxide safety solutions. For example, they introduced the ‘Chain of Fire Safety’ on their website with regard to their product ‘Smoke detectors’. After all, a truly fire-safe home is about more than just quality products. No matter how good a smoke alarm is, it loses its safety function if it is not properly installed and maintained.

Hence the initiative to bring ‘The Chain of Fire Safety’ to reality in the form of a Paper or Cardboard Turntable. And we like to take you through that process below.

Op de website van Hemmink - Ei Electronics stond al enige tijd de Keten van Brandveiligheid vermeld met daarop te zien een afbeelding van een ronde schijf.

The Hemmink – Ei Electronics website already featured the ‘Chain of Fire Safety’ with an image of a round disc for some time.

Het plan werd opgepakt om eerst een model te maken van een Draaischijf om er zo achter te komen of het uit Karton de juiste uitstraling en effect zou hebben als op de site te zien was.

The plan was to first make a model of a turntable, to find out whether it would have the right appearance and effect from cardboard as it was shown on the site.

Naar aanleiding van de model Draaischijf werden nog enkele kritische aandachtspunten besproken om de uiteindelijke versie te perfectioneren.

As a result of the Turntable model, some critical focuspoints were discussed in order to perfect the final version.

Naar aanleiding van de definitief gekozen vorm werd een stanscontour ontwikkeld en daarvan uiteindelijk een stansmes (houten plank met stalen mes) om de twee schijven uit het karton te stansen.

Based on the chosen shape, a punching contour was developed and eventually a punching knife (wooden board with a steel knife) to punch the two discs out of the cardboard.

Deze afbeelding laat het proces zien van de ontwikkeling van een draaischijf karton of papier. Online waren ze al zichtbaar, daar vanuit werd een papieren model ontwikkeld waarvan na wat aanpassingen de echte Draaischijven werden gemaakt.

And that’s how together we realized a product ‘From Online Identity to Tangible Reality’.

De online afbeelding van de schijf op de site door een Draaischijf van karton in het echt te maken.
De Draaischijf van Papier of Karton is klaar.
De Kartonnen of Papieren Draaischijf van Hemmink - Ei Electronics

Would you like to have a Cardboard or Paper Turntable made yourself?

We have a lot of experience in making Turntables in all kinds of different designs, such as Turntables that can be used on both sides, but also Turntables with multiple discs on two sides, with or without viewing windows or recesses, but also for different functionalities.

Also take a look at our page about the ‘Eigen Kracht’ circle turntables for the ‘Eigen Kracht’ phase of De Zorgcirkel.

In this project for De Zorgcirkel, we were able to process the small Ø20cm.-turntables in a mailing to the staff and we were also allowed to make them 1.5 meters tall, which were placed at all care locations of De Zorgcirkel. This is partly with the aim of using the theme ‘Own Strength’ more widely and to make people aware of it on several points of attention.

Are you thinking about having a Cardboard or Paper Turntable or a Turntable made from another material? Do not hesitate to contact us early on and let us think together with you about the various options. We like to help you.

Then call 06-53328087, send an email to [email protected] or chat with us, at the bottom right of every page of our website.